Sunday, May 24, 2009

inventory control: where i work

Collecting, gathering, searching, acquiring; I don’t think I’m alone in saying these things are as much a part of scrap booking as actually gluing things to paper. I love buying, organizing, and sometimes just sitting back and admiring my scrapbook supplies. There is a delicate balance between making sure you have just enough “stuff” to feel inspired, but not too much to feel overwhelmed by choices.

I have carved out a crafting space for myself in our unfinished basement. It can be a bit dreary and cold, but I feel blessed to have space to stretch out. I feel even more blessed to have a space where I can be a bit messy. (There’s no pressure to be neat when you are working out of an unfinished basement). Recently I moved my craft space to the other side of the basement to make way for a basement finishing project. The move just so happened to coincide with a payment for some consulting work I had done for the CPA exam. I’m sure you can tell where this is going...anyone else smell an upgrade?

I decided to invest in beautifying and organizing my space. I am so pleased with the results that I now feel justified in calling this space my studio.

I painted one wall with magnetic chalkboard paint. I love that I can change it whenever I feel inspired.

My biggest investment was three bookshelves and boxes and baskets for storage. This is working so well for me. I just go to my shelves and pull what I need to my worktable.

My trusty very old computer. This computer is not hooked up to the Internet, so I often carry my laptop downstairs (isn't wireless Internet great?) I've been thinking about ditching this computer all together and dedicating this space to sewing.

This is my real workspace, the area I try and keep somewhat clear for projects. I try to clear the decks before I start a new project, but right now I have so many projects going it is hard to keep things neat (much straightening was done just prior to these pictures).

So there it is. I am feeling much more inspired in this place. I'd still like to be able to fit a big easy chair in there for when I need to veg out and flip through some magazines and books to get those creative juices flowing...