Friday, May 14, 2010

return on creativity: corporate crafting

My department at work is facing some particularly daunting tasks this year.  For one of these goals I came up with an acronym for the group.  Most times my wacky project names are met with eye rolling.  This one has taken hold; WACTAC. 

A week ago I bought a bunch of split peas because I have a bean bag project in mind.  I was looking at my bag of peas the other day and decided to make these little bean bags for work.  I made them out of a larger scrap of muslin from my scrap basket.  I cut out five inch squares and decorated one side using my acrylic stamp collection and black Stayz On ink pad.  The Stayz On ink said that it was not recommended for fabric, but I think I got a pretty clean stamp.  It doesn't rub off, and I even got it wet and tested if it would didn't.  I sewed the bags with a half inch seam allowance since I anticipated that the bean bags would take some abuse.

I made eight bags.  They went fast.  They are a hot commodity.  People throw them, juggle them, take them to meetings, and just hold them to relieve stress.  Just a silly and quick little project, but its had a positive impact on morale and I love that I can look at my handy work all day.


  1. That's awesome! I bet your people love you! (Or throw the beanbags at your picture! :p )

  2. So neat to see someone in the corporate world feeding their creative soul. So many folks I know that are in "corporate" jobs, abandoned their creative spirit years ago and yearn to get it back - but have had a hard time getting inspired. Great blog!

  3. I like them! The stamp reminds me of those cards that used to be in the back of library books before everything went digital.

  4. Now I am curious what WACTAC stands for... :) Are you sworn to secrecy? Great Idea by the way. I like your stamp. I have seen people put fabric through their printer although I haven't tried it myself.
