Friday, February 4, 2011

return on creativity: chalkboard paint + kitchen cabinets

Our home was built in the early eighties; not an era of great architecture.  Most homes built in the early eighties are short on architectural interest and short on contemporary innovations in floor plans like great rooms, big kitchens, and luxurious bathrooms. 

While we are lucky to have some nice architectural features in our house, but our floor plan leaves much to be desired.  Our kitchen is small.  The cabinets are original to the home and not in great shape.  The worst part of our cabinets is the backs which face the family room and are covered with an unattractive-seventiesish-wood like paneling.  Our master financial plan indicates that we will be living with this kitchen for another four years.  So we make the best of it.

Suddenly one day I felt inspired cover this offensive panelling in chalkboard paint.  I sat with this inspiration for a few weeks and I consulted my husband, who was skeptical.  Finally I decided that anything I did had to be better than the panelling.

I really like the results. This project has helped me decide to take the plunge and paint the rest of the cabinets this summer.  Currently I am living with chalk trees for winter.  Future chalkboard creation possibilities:
  • love notes for Valentines day
  • welcome notes for guests
  • menus for dinner parties
  • inspiring quotes
  • spring flowers with colored chalk
  • white vinyl repositionable letters
  • a massive calendar
Other ideas?


  1. The chalkboard paint is really cute! I love your ideas for future decorations. However, I would just knock those cabinets down and find somewhere else to store the stuff - you'd be surprised at how much larger your kitchen would seem. And it wouldn't be too expensive to cover the space where they were...are you handy with drywall?

  2. That looks so much better! What a gorgeous idea. Well done you.

  3. THat is a nifty idea! I wish I can do something like that to our new place. Alas, it's a rental and we can't do drastic decorating.

    Thanks for dropping by my little blog! :)

  4. wow, great transformation!
    we painted kitchen cabinets similar to yours, the worst part was sanding them first, but they looked great in the end.

  5. So fun!! Love that you did that. What a fun idea...and so many fun things you can write on it. Thank you, thank you for coming and linking it up

  6. I love it! painted mine kitchen with white... and also used spray painting in the house..

    Kitchen Cabinets

  7. Hi,

    For some days I was searching for ways to renovate kitchen and greatly thanks you for sharing such a nice post on kitchen remodelling. The info will certainly help me a lot

    closet organization

  8. after browsing your blog, i am sold! you're newest follower. Thanks for being so inspiring! i love your work

  9. we painted kitchen cabinets similar to yours, the worst part was sanding them first, it is a rental and they cannot do extreme decorating.
