Saturday, March 26, 2011

me: spring chalboard update

Despite the fact that we are currently experiencing our second snowfall this week, I decided that it is time to update my kitchen cabinet chalkboard for spring.

If you draw it, it will come?


  1. That is so cool! Do you have a lot of chalk dust with that though? I'd love to do that!

  2. Stopping by after your kind comment on my blog and glad I did! What a great idea for peninsula cabinets! It's so cute (and lets you keep all those cabinets for storage!!)

  3. How cute! Love the spring flowers!

  4. Cute cabinet! You're sharpie bag project is featured on my sunday linky this week :) Too bad your giveaway was only a week long or I'd have featured that too!

  5. Love the kitchen chalkboard! Such a great idea.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower. I'd love for you to pop by again to join my followers, as well, and to enter my giveaways for this week! :)

  6. Maybe you may want to add a facebook button to your site. Just bookmarked the blog, although I must complete it by hand. Just my 2 cents.

  7. Oh yay our chalkboards are in very similar places :o) Yours is super cute. Thanks for visiting!

  8. What a perfect spot for a chalkboard and your flowers are really cute!

  9. This is so fun! Genius idea to use that cabinet space as a chalkboard!
    I'm your newest follower...


  10. This is so cool. I absolutely love it!!!

  11. So cute...I'm totally copying your spring flowers idea on my chalkboard! :)

  12. If you "draw" it, it will come. Classic...

    We are still in the 30s in Chicago. Old man winter just won't die...

    I'd LOVE if you could share this with my readers tonight @Creative Juice Thursday. Party starts @ 7pm CST. Get your crafting shoes on. Hope to see you there...

    p.s. Love the vintage computer and tv in your sidebar buttons!

  13. Thank you for linking up to Sister Sister last week! I just love how you have a chalkboard on the back of your cabinets, so fun! We are going to be featuring you this week so make sure to check it out!

  14. The chalkboard cabinet is VERY CUTE! You could even get some colored chalk to do your drawings with!

    I'm going to share this one with my daughter! I can see putting it on a lower cupboard for the little guys to draw on too.


  15. Hi - I am certainly glad to find this. great job!
