Monday, March 21, 2011

me: staycation pictures

My husband was off work last week for spring break, so I took some time off too. We debated about what to do with our time off (should we go somewhere? should we not go somewhere?), but eventually decided to stay home.

I had big crafty plans that were mostly waylaid by a nasty cold, but I still found some time to play between blowing my nose. 

Back to work today.  Sigh.  Time off always goes too fast.
Don't forget to enter my giveaway before Thursday.


  1. It's always nice to get a little break, even if you stay at home. The boyfriend and my 4 year anniversary is coming up and we are planning a mini getaway to the local beach for a night and maybe a day at home too.

  2. Oooo - these look like very fun posts to come (and some gorgeous projects)! And yay for staycations - I'm sort of on one myself! : )

  3. I love your blog...great posts, photos, and design. I chose you for a Stylish Blogger Award! Click here to find out more. :)


  4. aw i love staycations. it's so nice to take a breather at home instead of rushing off somewhere! and it looks like you've got some fun things going! :) what are the love letters- bolts? stamps? looks cute!
