Saturday, September 3, 2011

me: labor day and non-crafty blogs

I'm traveling this weekend to celebrate my mother's sixtieth birthday!  I'm excited, but also bummed because the weekends are my best time to craft.  I really look forward to long weekends with nothing ahead of me but time to dream up ideas and create.  I'll be bringing along some embroidery work for the long car ride.

Since I don't have a project to share this weekend, I thought I would share some of my favorite non-crafty blogs.

Design Fetish:  I just found this design blog a few days ago.  It's a great archive of interesting design ideas and I am in love.  Here are few of my favorites from the blog:

I want this camera lens pillow.

What a great idea for a personalized mug.  I think it would also work hand embroidered on a crafty coffee cup cozy...

These are books.  So beautiful.

Cake Wrecks:  Maybe this blog is borderline crafty, but its really a comedy blog.  I cannot stop laughing every time I read the post about the naked baby mohawk cakes (although I'm disappointed to see that I can't find the longer, funnier, original post on the site anymore?).

Post Secret:  Who isn't curious about other people's secrets?  This community art project is inspiring, raw, and addictive all at the same time.  Fair warning, this blog can be a bit "adult" at times.

Dairy Burger:  I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even tell my husband what I was laughing about the first time read the satirical retelling of Sweet Valley High books on this blog.  Now that all the books have been retold, this blog has lost its way a bit, but the SVH archives are still hysterical.  If you enjoyed the original books as a kid, you need to check out this blog.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend filled with beautiful weather and end of the season barbeques!


  1. I always love finding new blogs. Thanks for the recommendations.

  2. The blog contains informational and educational material. The post enhance my thoughts and experience. So nice!
    I've got to scramble to keep up with your prodigious output!
