Sunday, September 11, 2011

return on creativity: shift key sampler

I love the history of embroidery samplers.  Imagine little girls practicing stitches taught by their moms or grandmas (some undoubtedly enjoying it more than others); and women showing off a bit mastering their craft.  I have a piece of old lacework that my great grandma made, but unfortunately no samplers...

This is an updated sampler with a modern, clean font (Arial).  I'm seeing ampersands and @ symbols everywhere lately, so I decided to use the shift-key symbols rather than the alphabet.

This really is a practice piece, my first try at the satin stitch.

I used my light box to trace the symbols onto my fabric with a water soluble marker.

Here's my pattern.

To start the satin stitch I first backstitched around the symbol.

Then I completed my symbol with a satin stitch.

This was a great project for practicing the satin stitch; straight lines, circles, and negotiating curves.


  1. Your satin stitch is incredibly neat!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I remember my grandmother teaching me to embroidery when I was young years ago. Your stitches are so much neater than mine.

  4. Wow! That is amazing! I just completed my first embroidery project and it doesn't look like that... I will have to try a little harder next time.

  5. Amazing details - I honestly thought this was done on an embroidery machine at first! I've featured it at today's Craftastic Party. Stop by & grab a Featured On button. Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday at Sew Can Do:)

  6. Hee hee what a cool idea!

    Please feel free to link your embroidery up to my Make Yourself Monday blog hop! :o)

    For Love of Cupcakes

  7. love it! I haven't embroidered in a while, but as I recall satin stitch is really one of the hardest stitches to execute perfectly, so you did an amazing job! I love samplers too......thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!

  8. This blog always create some informational and amazing things, which add in my knowledge and experience.But I am a bit confuse.A Thanks for sharing.Waiting for next post.
