Monday, May 10, 2010

return on creativity: the dog pillow

The inspiration:

I saw these dog pillows on the Williams Sonoma Home website.  Loved them.  Didn't love the price.  Pillows on this website start at $100.  (Sorry, these dog pillows are sold case you had a hundred bucks lying around and a need for overpriced pillows.)

My version:


It's not needlepoint like the original, but I love it.  The red is cordoroy and the dog (a golden retreiver of course) is white felt.  The back is muslin with a button closure.  I love making throw pillows.  It's like having a blank canvas to decorate.


Don't they look cute together?


  1. They are cute together! I don't suppose there is a golden retriever hair repellent sprayed onto the pillow?

  2. unfortunately, no....I am waiting for that to be invented. :(

  3. viisting from shabby nest. love the pillow! fits right in for v-day too! :)
