Sunday, May 9, 2010

work in progress: hiking photo shoot

Phew...I've spent all afternoon relaxing from our "relaxing" camping trip.  I brought the new camera on a nature hike and played a bit, but its hard to really play with a husband and dog impatiently waiting for you to hurry up and snap the perfect picture.  We intend to do a lot of camping this summer.  We decided last summer that we want to visit every state park in out state.  I may start a camping scrapbook, not to mention that the pop up camper is screaming for new curtains (more on that later).

Here are some nature the raw...unedited.


  1. That all just screams "Allergies!" to me. Not a big fan of camping, but your photos are wonderful.

  2. I highly recommend you take the e-class Picture Summer found here:
    I just took Picture Spring and it really helped improve my photo skills even though it's not a skilz class. It's very inspiring!

  3. Natural nature pics sorry :) my fave is the log.
