Sunday, January 23, 2011

fixed assets: new photo collage

Decorating a home just the way you want it takes time.  Until recently the walls in my home have been basically bare.  Partly because I have been focusing on other details, partly because my husband was reluctant to let me put anything on the walls at all.  Weird, huh?

Well, it all goes back to my hubby's childhood.  He was scarred.  He suffered home decor abuse by a mother who was a "country home" decorator.  I personally don't have anything against her decor, some of it actually appeals to me, but you definitely could not call it minimalist.  Every surface, every square foot of wall space is covered with country goodies.  Because of this my husband has a hatred for clutter.  He is drawn to long clear spaces of nothing.  It's taken me awhile convince him that hanging things on the wall can be good.

OK, back to the photo collage.  I was flipping though a Pottery Barn catalog when I became inspired by this:

My husband would have a coronary if he saw this picture.  However, I wanted to give it a try in my own home.  First I purchased two burlap mat frames from Pottery Barn because I loved them and I knew I would never be able to find a substitute that I loved as much somewhere else.  I found a letter L at Hobby Lobby for $10.  I loved the shape, but hated the gold color.  So I painted it red (which took several coats).

There are a lot of wooden elements in the catalog picture, so I found these old letterpress Ls that sit on top one of the larger frames.

I also love the large unmatted photos from the catalog photo.  I purchased some large frames from Target, but may not use the mats when I decide which photos to frame. 

So now there's only one thing  I have other photos on display in the house with family pictures and travel pictures.  I'd like to fill these frames with more artsy pictures, possibly pictures from the historic downtown area of my suburb.  But for now they sit empty, waiting for photos.


  1. Your wall looks great! But that Pottery Barn catalog is too much... I find that sort of thing difficult, because there are so many elements. I can't see anything that appeals because I'm looking at everything. I think you've distilled it down nicely.

  2. I agree with areyoukiddingme--the inspiration pic is a little too much, but you did awesome setting it up in your living room!
