Sunday, January 30, 2011

return on creativity: my first art project

I am totally comfortable creating crafty projects for my house, but I've always been reluctant to create anything that might be considered "art".  I'm an accountant for heaven's sake, not an artist. 

But I had a project, a vision really, that was stuck in my head and I couldn't get it out.  I had to create it. 

It's wood and paint...

...and glue and nails.

I cut and painted...

...and sanded and pounded.

I love this art/craft project for so many reasons.  Some are hard to explain.  Not the least reason is that my husband helped me go to Home Depot to buy supplies and happily cut out wood blocks for me to paint.  He was totally supportive and didn't question what I was up to.  I didn't expect him to do that.  I love him so much.


  1. That must have taken FOREVER (and your husband is a saint for cutting out those blocks :-)). I like the way it turned out and the texture that painting it on wood creates.

  2. That is too cool! How did you get all the pieces together?

  3. Gorgeous!! I love it!

  4. Bumpy. I glued the wood blocks to a piece of thin plywood and then nailed. The nails are more decorative though...

  5. COOL! I LOVE IT!!!!

  6. LOVE this wood block mosaic! Will you link it at the bottom of my recent blog about mosaics (the Mosaic Mania party)? Also joined you as a follower so I ctan keep an eye on your future projects.

  7. OMG!! This is beautiful!! Way to go! Do you have a tutorial on how you did this?? I would love to know.

