Wednesday, February 16, 2011

fixed assets: vintage keys

I like keys.  They can be elegant and tall or short and stocky.  Some keys are decorated like fine china and others are purely utilitarian.  Keys lock away secrets or open the door to new possibilities.  I grew up in a small town and we rarely used keys.  We only locked the house if we were going on vacation, and then we had to search for the key.

Years ago I bought some vintage keys at a flea market.  I put my keys into a shadow box, strung up with pretty velvet ribbon and attached with pearl head pins.

Interestingly, lately I have seen vintage keys popping up at home decor stores.

I must not be the only one who loves keys!


  1. I LOVE skeleton keys! I've only managed to collect 2 so far, I never find them anywhere. I got one of mine at a flea market & one at an antique store in Virginia. I have mine hanging from a length of ribbon from my lamp.

    Thanks for visiting!

  2. I love this!!! Im going to forward this on to my MIL. she has a TON of old keys!

  3. I love keys in decorating! There are so many things you can do with them :)

    I just awarded you the Stylish Blogger award!! Stop on by to pick it up!!

    Aubrie @

  4. I love skeleton keys, too ♥ I found five or six at a yard sale two years ago, and once we're moved into the new place I'm going to make some kind of art out of them - maybe a wind chime? I like yours ☺

  5. This is such a cute entry way decoration! Or anywhere really. I like to use keys as pendants for necklaces. It's sooo in right now. At least that's what i tell myself :)

  6. I love the whole 'key' craze!!

  7. I love the keys! I'm always looking for vintage key ideas. The ribbon really sets these off nicely!

  8. Thanks for visiting. I'm following you back! I love these keys!

  9. I REALLLLY love what you have done here. I love old keys.

    Extreme Personal Measures

  10. Very pretty, yet simple. Love it!

  11. ps- Thanks for the follow :) and I'm following you too! Love your crafty ideas.

  12. Love your unique style and I've awarded you with The Versatile Blogger Award ~ take a look:
    I'm also your newest follower. Have a great weekend!!

    ~Jenna, SAS Interiors

  13. Loving your keys! What a great vintage feel! The shadow box frames them out perfectly!

  14. I love your shadow box! I've seen a lot of skeleton keys in shadow boxes lately but yours is for sure my favorite that I have seen!

  15. Stopping by again to let you know I nominated you for a bloggy award! :)

  16. I'm a key lover also. I'm enthralled with the possible story behind each one. I also collect & wrote a post about it. (It's on the sidebar of my blog if you want to see it or you can search "keys please").

    Warmly, Michelle

  17. I love this idea, but I also really love your creative title! You're not the only crafty accountant ;)

  18. I love this idea, but I also love your creative title! (You're not the only crafty accountant out there!)
