Sunday, February 13, 2011

return on creativity: the "paper" bag

I have to admit that I've been a little stalled lately when choosing which new project to start.  I'm not sure if it's a case of "too many projects, too little time" or if I'm in the midst of a creative block. 

This post has been filed away in my "Internet inspiration" file for awhile.  Add to that inspiration the fact that I owe my sister a gift and the "paper" bag was born.

To make the "paper" I measured for the first line and marked with a fabric marker.

I used the edge of the presser foot as a guide to make the other lines.  However, if you want wider lines or perfect lines you will want to measure and mark as above.  I did stop and check my lines from time to time to see if my lines got a bit wonky (they did) so that I could adjust along the way.

I used my new light box for the first time to transfer my hand written letters to the fabric.  I purchased this light box from a few months ago and it worked great.  (Unfortunately I noticed that the price is now about $10 higher now.)

I hand embroidered the letters using a back stitch.

I "dotted the I" with a felt heart, attached by hand with embroidery floss.

To make the bag I followed this pattern with a few changes.  I shrunk the measurements of the bag to 10 inches wide, 12 inches high, and 5 inches deep.  I didn't use piping and I added a lining.

Check out my Internet muse's etsy shop other items made with "fabric paper".


  1. oh my goodness that bag is so cute! you should seriously sell those, cause they are that cute! If I had a sewing machine I would be stichin one of these up right now!

  2. I Love this bag! If only I could sew that straight..:) It would be a great Library bag!

  3. How cute and clever is that! I'm so glad that you stopped by, I love your ideas:-)

  4. That is one of the cutes bags I've seen but I'm sorry to tell you that you spelled my name wrong on it! :) I absolutely love your blog and I'm an addict now. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

    Keri@Sew Incredibly Crafty

  5. That is so stinkin cute!! MY sister's name is Carrie as well. :). I'm a new follower.


  6. Oh I love this idea with the paper lines?! How cute! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog:) Looking forward to getting to know you better! Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a Free Ad Space!!

  7. that is so cute! i love how you made it look like paper, genius. thanks for stopping by type A and commenting on Lauren's Room. =)

  8. This bag is so cute! Thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting.

  9. Thanks for stopping by the blog and for following! I'm your newest follower now too!

    I LOOOVE this bag and it definitely makes me wish that I could sew at all... :o)

  10. OMG I loooove this bag!! So completely cute and I love to make bags. This has to go on my to-do list. Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I'm a new follower too, you have some great projects! :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. What a sweet bag! Bags like that would make good reusable shopping bags too, i think :)

    Tnx so much for linking up your creation at my party! :D I hope to see you back again next weekend! :)

  14. I love this bag! It is adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  15. Thank you so much for complimenting my wreath! You're so sweet. And I LOVE this idea for the "fabric paper," simply adorable. If only my hand embroidery skills were up to par....something to practice (or convince my mom queen of embroidery to do!!) =D

  16. Such a lovely bag. The embrodiery must have taken so much time. cheers from another cpa.

  17. What a super cute bag. It's just great. I would love for you to come and join in my blog party and link up this project. It opens tonight at 8pm EST.

  18. Sooo cute! And original! Love this! I'ma fan! BTW thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me some love :o)

  19. Wow, this is soooo stinkin' cute! I'm so going to steal this idea! Thanks for coming by my blog!

  20. The Treasurista said...
    Hop on over to the Party! Would love for you to link-up @

    The Treasurista
    Finding and Creating FUN things...

  21. That is absolutely adorable!! I HAVE to make one of these! Thanks for sharing it.

    Jenny @ the Southern Institute

  22. Very cute. Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday - would love if you added the party button or link back to it:)

  23. Love this and it would be a super cute teacher gift!
    Thanks for sharing!

  24. Super super adorable! I love the linking fabric too, what a fun pop of color.

  25. This is adorable!!!! It would make a great teacher gift for the end of the school year. I'm going to have to remember this one! Thanks for sharing!!

  26. What a cute bag and fun project! I'd love for you to submit this to the M&T Spotlight -

  27. I love your blog! Hope you don't mind, but I would love to list you in my blogroll! Great idea with the keys and that notebook paper bag would be a wonderful teacher gift!

  28. Your creativity astounds me! I'm a follower! :)

  29. Great Teacher Appreciation gift idea! That wonderful week is coming up! I guess I need to get busy on that! Thanks for the inspiration!!!
    I'm a follower on your blog!!! ;)

  30. You are so talented!! I'm in love with this bag!!Honestly I am.... So inspiring!!!
    I love your projects!!
    Happy new follower:-)

  31. That is darling! Nice job & a great gift idea for teachers :)

  32. Great idea & project!

    I shared this in a round-up of teacher gift ideas!

