Saturday, February 19, 2011

return on creativity: painted pillow

To me pillows are like blank canvases waiting to be decorated.  In this case, I decorated with paint.  This was a spontaneous project, so I didn't do much research into the proper way to paint fabric.  I just dove in.  It will be interesting to see how this pillow holds up over time, especially how it holds up to washing if that should become neccessary.

To achive painted stripes I started by applying masking tape stripes to my fabric.  Then I painted.

Allow the paint to dry and remove the masking tape. 

Sew into a pillow.  I sewed my pillow into a sixteen inch square with an envelope closure on the back.

I like the results so much that I've already come up with other painted pillow ideas.  Happy painting!


  1. Hey :) Your reusable "paper" bag post has been featured in my sunday linky. Check it out here:

  2. wow. this is so awesome! Love the colors! May need to make some of these :)

  3. i love the painted pillow. thanks for commenting on my shower curtain. i just wanted something different. and you wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a curtaing that is gray and white that isn't to girly. my son and daughter have to share this room and i didn't want it too girly. =)

  4. great idea especially for those rooms where you can't find an already made pillow or fabric to match-you can make your own to match! your other designs look neat!

  5. I love your blue-striped pillow--it's so fresh! I also enjoyed reading your "Cupcake Failure" post...I've had days like that before! :)

  6. what a beautiful shade of blue looks very springy to me

  7. You know, I really love this idea.. you can have any design you want.. and the color is my favorite, blue!
    I'm getting brave soon and am going to paint my large throw rug. Found one at Pottery Barn and they wanted just over $900. for it..haha so I bought one in a solid color at Ikea for $150. and am going to copy the PB design.. wish me luck!
    Thanks so much for your visit today and your kind comment..

  8. What a great idea. I especially love those colors. I'm so glad you stopped by The Elephant's Trunk. I'm a new follower of your great blog. I can't wait to continue reading! Have a great rest of your day!

  9. great idea and so simple! Thanks so for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday. Just to let you know, fabric paint is very similar to regular acrylic paint, just it's softer. In order to use up acrylic paints that you may have, you can buy a fabric paint medium that one mixes into the acrylic paint. all the best!

  10. Very cute. This is totally me. I might be having to copy you... ;)I am your newest follower.
    Have a great day!

  11. I love this! I love it that you just dove right in!! And I love your book for planning new ideas!


  12. I love your striped pillow. I love the color and love that you painted it. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks so much.

  13. Your pillow turned out great. I would never have thought of using paint Ü

  14. Hey again! I'm giving you a versatile blogger award! :) Check the post here for more info.

  15. Great idea..., and perfect for a coastal theme!

  16. What a great way to customize! Ended up so cute, love that light blue.

  17. It is such a great idea to paint your fabric to make the design you want. You are now a fabric designer and I love the pillow, you used one of my favorite colors.

  18. Wow, I would never even think to paint a pillow! Great job, and thanks for commenting on my blog!!

  19. I love this idea, what kind of paint did you use because I painted a pillow a few weeks back but I used acrylic paint and it is pretty rough to the touch once it dries and I have no idea how it will hold up in the wash.

  20. I was just about to do this as a tutorial for a BUY or DIY feature on one of my concept boards...Could I link readers to your also? You did a great job!
