Tuesday, February 22, 2011

return on creativity: party light garland

Create your own string of lights for your next party.

You will need: 

Eight 3" X 5" rectangles of fabric
Three yards of ribbon
Black Sharpie marker
Ink Pads

To Make:

1.  Iron fabric rectangles with starch to give them a little stiffness.

2.  Print the party light pattern below.

3.  Trace party light pattern onto each fabric rectangle using a black Sharpie marker.  Use a lightbox or a sunny window to make tracing easier.

4.  Brush the edge of a colored ink pad directly on the fabric to give each light a colored "glow".

5.  Sew lights to ribbon.  Start sewing two feet from the end of the ribbon.  Leave five inches between each light.

6.  Hang and enjoy your party!


  1. Thats a really cool idea! You could even maybe print the lightbulb template onto the fabric and then ink or paint it.

  2. This is fantastic! Love it!


  3. Very cute, and you don't have to worry about a burned out bulb! :)

  4. Just stumbled across your blog, love the name, I am a crafty CPA as well, nice to see there is another one out there :) Great projects, look forward to reading more from you!

    ~ Jen @ http://pinstripestopearls.blogspot.com/

  5. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing. Thanks for sharing! I found you on Funky Polkadot Giraffe and am now a follower. I would love for you to visit my blog as well!


  6. What a creative idea! Love the multicolored bulbs! Now following you & thanks for linking up!

  7. Great Idea, I'm a new follower. Please follow me back.
    Blessings, Lori

  8. What a great idea. I'm your newest follower. Be sure to stop by my blog Monday and add your project to the More The Merrier Monday Link Party.


  9. very pretty! one of a kind!

    Check out the giveaways with goodies for little girls on my blog

  10. These are reallly nifty! And they look fun to make :)

  11. This is awesome, I'm adding to my "must make" list! Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I'm your newest follower!

  12. This is to fun.. I so need to do this on my back patio... I have the Stylish blogger award for you over at my blog. Come by and pick it up if you like.

    Jeanna @ dramaqueenseams.blogspot.com

  13. What a cute and fun idea! This really made me smile. :) Thanks for hooking up at my Weekend Link Party! Have a great day.
    Humble Homemaking

  14. I featured you this week!!! LittleEme.blogspot.com
    Come check it out and grab your featured button! :)

  15. This is the first time I've been to your blog and I love it. Love the original ideas you have -- like the banner. I've seen a bajillion banners, but nothing this original and artsy. I'll make sure and check back often!

  16. I love this idea...this would be great for one of my kid's rooms!
    You have a beautiful blog...very creative and artsy and really nice photos! I'm going to come back! =)

  17. Oops...just one dumb question. I haven't found it yet and it's past my bedtime...what does CPA stand for? =)

  18. that's funny...it must be late...
    I was trying to think of something clever with "artist" in it. =)

  19. Very unique! Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday:)

  20. i LOVE this! It'd be awesome if you'd like it up to my Friday link party! I'm also hosting a giveaway!!!!


  21. Wow! I'm so happy to have stumbled upon your blog. As I scroll down and read each post, I'm impressed by your style, originality and creativity! I'm looking forward to reading more, and coming around a lot more often! Best, Jenn/Rook No. 17

  22. You have a great talent of writing.Best of luck and get going.And yes i have bookmarked your site craftycpa.blogspot.com .
