Saturday, February 26, 2011

work in progress: recreate an old map

I love these maps at Restoration Hardware, but I don't love the price.  Maps proceed a journey and these expensive maps led me on a journey to see what I could create myself.

First I found a simple map that I felt I could recreate.

I got out my trusty lightbox and started tracing.

I took a deep breath and dumped it all into a pot of tea.

And ended up with this.

Now I wait at a rest area for further inspiration.  Should I frame it?  Should I make a pillow?  Should I make a bag?  Am I done?  Time will tell...


  1. Your painted pillow project has been featured in this week's sunday linky! You are seriously one crafty person :) Check it out here:

  2. I love your map! I'd like to try that using the area where I live, then hang it in a frame. Thanks for sharing it!

  3. I've given you an award!

  4. This is so cool! Haven't seen a project like this before...thanks for sharing! Also thanks for commenting on my blog!


  5. i would frame it, that is awesome. love it, now i need a light box. who knew? lol

  6. I had a look around and loved your blog. I am your newest follower. {Thanks for stopping by my site earlier-}

  7. that is such a great idea! it would be awesome in a nautical room or a boys pirate themed room!

  8. What an amazing project! I can't wait to see what you decide to do with it.
    Thanks for stopping by Red Hen Home!

  9. I vote for framing it. Great job! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful comment. I'm your newest follower and I'd be happy if you choose to follow me back :)

  10. Frame it! Very cute blog! If you have time, hop over and visit me:

  11. What patience you have! It looks terrific!

  12. I personally love my lightbox (because I can't draw). What a great use for it! Sometimes those prices RH charge seem to be completely unrealistic... I mean it is a reproduction of an old map, not an actual old map, right? Yours is just as cool and actually more unique!

  13. This is a great idea! There was an awesome wall in the new Pottery Barn catalogue papered with old maps, and I LOVED the idea. This project really reminded me of that wall. I would stretch this on stretchers (canvas stretchers) rather than in a frame behind glass.

  14. Wow, I'm impressed that you thought to make your own map. I think it would be great either framed or as a pillow. Thanks for stopping by my blog BTW. Yours has so much great stuff!

    Warmly, Michelle

  15. This is fantastic! What a great idea. :)

  16. wow this is great, I need one of those light boxes. Love old maps!

  17. Wow! This is awesome, my little boy loves maps this would be so cool to put on his wall. What is it that you traced it on? Thanks for visiting my blog.

  18. This is an amazing idea, I would love to try old of where I was raised, would look awesome in a shabby frame, I've followed you from Paisley Passions

  19. I love this project!!! Can you tell me what kind of pen you used???

  20. I'm horrendously behind in reading my favorite blogs so I just saw this, but I LOOOOOVE it! This is absolutely amazing and I can't believe how patient you were to trace it!

  21. What a wonderful idea! I have a tiny light box but think I may take a gander at this using maps from the different places we've lived over the years. Once again thanks for the inspiration!
