Tuesday, March 1, 2011

work in progress: family room art gallery

I lived with these four papers taped to my walls for days in order to determine if I wanted to buy these frames.

I finally took the plunge and now it is on to the next phase, choosing art.

Option 1:

Option 2:

1.  Flown.  2.  A Bird in the Hand  3.  Becoming  4.  A Wish

Decisions, decisions...


  1. I love the #4 and #2 pictures in option 2. They are so cute!

  2. So I keep running into your fun blog, I am your newest follower! Thanks for the nice comments on my blog...

    As far as pictures go In option 1 I love 1, 2, 3

    In option 2 I love 1 and 4...

    I am a turkey farmer so I thought I would love option 2 pic 2, but the human heads on the chicks freak me out a little bit!

    Just my opinion, but I don't think you could go wrong!


  3. they are all great, but i like the second set. i think they go together very well. and how fun is your painted pillow-perhaps i should try this!

  4. I like the first set! an't wait to see what you decide on and see it up!

  5. Both are great but I like the second set the best. Love your TV console btw! Can't wait to see it all finished.

  6. I am a fan of option 2. :) The pictures are adorable. I think the finished look will be great with either option. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. Have a great day.
    Humble Homemaking

  7. Love Option #1 in toto - and they go together so beautifully. Can't wait to see how the project turns out!

  8. P.S. Would you be willing to share the paint color and brand you used for those walls?

  9. I was just about to compliment your wall color, when i read the misfit did it before me :) ha ha well i really like it too, so now you have two fans of your cute bright happy yellow wall:) Oh and I like option numero 2 for the wall art. I really love your blog and I am now following you thanks to Wandering Wednesday and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog:)
    And don't forget to check our new Blog Tutorial to learn a few easy tricks to make your blog fabulous and fun. See you there!
    Happy Wednesday

  10. Hi - love the art but prefer option 2. Thanks for visiting my blog - I'm a new follower to yours.

  11. This is seriously one of the lovliest blogs I've ever visited...

    I think both options above are gorgeous.

    hoping you stop by and follow me back;

  12. As much as I love image 4 in option 1, I feel like option 2 has a better flow. Very pretty! I'm glad I'm not the only one who leaves paper taped to the wall before making holes!

  13. Thanks for the comments on my yellow. When we moved to the house I wanted to paint the walls yellow...then I chickened out and painted them taupe. Then I changed my mind and had hubby paint them yellow...hee hee.

    It is Martha Stewart paint from Home Depot. The color is called Cornbread.

    I love how this color changes during the day based on the sunlight in the room.

  14. Thanks for visiting! Overall I love option 2 and I love 2 and 4 in it.

  15. I am a farmer so I thought I would love option 2 pic 2, but the human heads on the chicks freak me out a little bit!

    Just my opinion, but I don't think you could go wrong!

  16. okay first off I love your family room! I like the option two or a mix of both using 1 and two of the first option and 1 and four of the second, but i bet any of them will look cool!

  17. I prefer option 2. They will look wonderful.
