Thursday, March 3, 2011

return on creativity: rose pillow

The idea for this pillow came to me while lying in bed at night just as I was falling asleep.  I was in that weird state of not really conscious, but not really sleeping.  Luckily this idea was still with me in the morning.  I wonder how many great sleepy ideas never resurface during the conscious hours of the day and are lost forever...

Once again this project started with the lightbox.  I'm getting downright addicted to that thing lately.

Trace a picture of a rose (or any flower) onto fabric with a water soluble fabric marker.

This rose is not my original art, so unfortunately I can't provide a printable.  My rose came from this design sourcebook.  The book (and the accompanying CD) is about half embroiderable designs (flowers, trees, leaves, animals) and about half jpegs of fabric, ribbon, photos, etc.

Cut around the flower leaving about a quarter inch edge. Pin well to the pillow top.

Here's where things get really really fun.  Put your darning foot on sewing machine and machine stitch over your drawn lines.

Let me tell you about my experience with the darning foot and sewing this way.  Umm...before this I never did it before.  I tested it out on a scrap piece of fabric for about fifteen seconds and then I jumped right in.  It was a totally fun, freeing, loose, and crazy sewing experience that I can't wait to try again.  I'm no sewing expert, by any means, but this project didn't have to look too perfect.

Here's a close up of my imperfections...

Here's the "wet look" to dissolve the marker.

Sew into a pillow.  My pillow is a sixteen inch square with an envelope closure in the back.

Rough up the edges of your fabric rose a bit.  Pull out a few threads to add to that shabby imperfect look.


  1. My best ideas come to me in bed late at night... lol. I keep a notebook beside my bed so I can write them down. :)

  2. You have done one terrific job!!

    My Flaunt It link: A Beautiful Girl

    Do stop by if you get a chance to visit. Happy Happy Rango Weekend.

  3. Love this! Very creative! I’m a new follower Happy Friday!! I would love for you to stop and take a look at my blog as well! Thanks!

  4. This is really lovely. I often have ideas come to me that way, too. :) Great job.

  5. Thanks for joining my link party. Isn't it nice when you have a project that doesn't have to turn out just perfectly? Shabby chic is such a good stress reliever!


  6. BEAUTIFUL Pillow! It looks fabulous. One of my goals this year is to really learn how to sew. My new Mom Cave was finished a few weeks ago, but I still have yet to carve out some time to sew...hopefully soon. Anyway this project came out great and I hope you link it up to Saturday Spotlight. Stop by tomorrow and link up @

    ~Jenna, SAS Interiors

  7. So beautiful.. I think I need to invest in a new foot :)
    Love your title Hubby is a CPA we got a kick out of it.
    Thanks for the nice comment on

  8. Oh my! I love your pillow!!
    And that is such a fabulous idea!
    It also happens to me getting ideas in that pre-falling to sleep state and sometimes I do remember the idea in the morning, sometimes not. However, there is a pad right next on my nightstand and when I feel like shaking up from that cozy state of (un)consciousness I just scribble on it so that I might remember in the morning :)
    P.S. Thank you on the lovely comment you left for me!

  9. Beautiful pillow and and original idea! Love it!

  10. This turned out so pretty... great idea! Thanks for linking Flaunt it Friday!

  11. I love this idea, I love roses I will have to try it out. So I spotlighted your blog and gave you a little award at my blog.

  12. Ooh! I love that! I love the look of "messy" stitching :) cute cute pillow!

  13. Wow, you're good! I saw you over at my blog Rustic Renditions. If there's one thing I'm not great at it's sewing! You did a beautiful job on this!... love the raw edge detail too, super cute!

  14. I LOVE it - especially how the unfinished edges fray a bit :) Sew pretty :)

  15. wow, love it! I could see a whole series of these with different images, garden related or toy related or tea time related....thanks so very much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday, love the plaid pillow too!

  16. FANTASTIC!! I am already wondering where I can use a pillow like this. Hmmmmm.

  17. This is so lovely!!
    I want one!!

  18. I love this. Beautiful! What's a darning foot? :)

  19. I love this pillow! I would be so scared to free hand sew on the machine, but you did great! Thanks for stoping by my blog.
    ps im your newest follower!

  20. I know I previously left a comment, but I'm back again because I'm loving your new pillow and your project was my feature pick for this weeks Saturday Spotlight, congrats!! When you have a chance, please grab the "I've been featured" button on my right sidebar column. I can't wait to see future projects...thanks again!

    ~Jenna, SAS Interiors

  21. Your pillow is so nice. I get my ideas usually while I'm at Bible study. Not because it is boring, but because that's where I get inspired and I'm quiet for some time. I just got a Sony eReader and it has a drawing tool kind of thing that I am trying out for my scetching.
    Thank you for sharing.

  22. I can't begin to tell you how much I love this project! I think I'm doing it today!! LOL! Thanks so much!

  23. Awesome technique! Thanks for the great tutorial. I'd love for you to submit this to the M&T Spotlight at

  24. Amazing! Love all your pillow. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend.
